DonTech Engineering Specialists
Hassle-free inspections and designs
Why Choose Us?
Full Service Engineering
Tank cleaning, inspections, design drawings and more.
Expert Recommendations
We are fully-qualified and experienced to solve your biggest challenges.
Obligation Free Quotes
No charge for preliminary work in order to quote
Pressure Vessel Design
Pressure vessels are a vital component in many industries. They are often used in high pressure and high-temperature applications. Which result in a high level of danger for employees and the environment. For this reason, pressure vessels are required to be designed in accordance with an accepted design standard and signed off by a registered Professional Engineer where applicable as per the OHS Act and SANS 347.
Aboveground Storage Tank Design
Aboveground storage tanks and bunding need to be designed in accordance with national standards. To ensure the safety of people and the environment. In addition, these designs need to be signed off by a Professional Engineer to ensure the integrity of the design.
Fire System Design
Fire protection systems for buildings, factories, and tank farms are vital for ensuring the safety of people and assets. It is also a legal requirement that fire protection systems comply with the relevant national standards to ensure safety. Companies often operate outdated and poorly maintained fire protection systems. Thereby putting the management and employees at significant risk.
Storage Tank Inspections
Inspecting the integrity of storage tanks is vital to reduce the risk to the environment. As well as, the health and safety of persons during operations. Regardless of whether the storage tanks store a hazardous or non-hazardous substance. Storage tank inspections are also a legal requirement.
Hazardous Area Classifications
DonTech Engineering Specialists has extensive knowledge of the relevant South African National Standards that govern hazardous area classifications. We provide a professionally registered Mechanical Engineer to conduct and sign off designs for hazardous area classifications.
Get in touch with us today to arrange an on-site assessment
072 887 2706
About Us
DonTech Engineering Specialists was established to support industries in South Africa that are facing challenging conditions in the tough economic climate. A significant reduction in skills and knowledge has been evident across the country and businesses are finding it difficult to find the right personnel for the job. This has resulted in employees across many organisations being stretched too thin and unable to deal with the design, regulatory, and health and safety pressures continuously placed upon them. DonTech Engineering Specialists takes away the stresses linked to regulatory requirements, inspections, and designs across a wide range of industries by providing a reliable and trustworthy service.
Where larger companies have high overhead costs that are transferred onto customers, DonTech deliberately structured its business model to enable low cost, high quality, and flexible capabilities to assist businesses that need resolutions to problems they face. Although DonTech specialises in storage tank inspections, storage tank design, hazardous area classifications, fire-fighting system inspections and designs, and pressure vessel designs, we have vast knowledge in OHS Act requirements as well as reliability centred maintenance.
DonTech was founded by Donovan Cawdry who has worked for many years in the petroleum industry. Being a certified Professional Engineer, a certified API653 Tank Inspector, and having an in-depth knowledge of the OHS Act and Regulations, Donovan’s vision was to assist industries with a cost-effective service which takes headaches away from those who are stretched too thin in their companies. DonTech is based in Durban but provides services to all industries within South Africa and neighbouring countries.
If you need assistance regarding inspections, designs, or certification for storage tanks, fire fighting systems, pressure vessels, or hazardous area classifications, contact us with your query and we will respond to you for further information or to set up a site meeting.
Certificates & Accreditations

Registered Mechanical Professional Engineer with ECSA
Pr.Eng. number: 20160354

Certified API653 Aboveground Storage Tank Inspector
Certification number: 56102
Frequently Asked Questions
What information do I need to supply for a quote?
Is the quote obligation free?
How long does a tank inspection take?
Once an inspection is completed, what type of report is issued?
Does DonTech offer tank cleaning services?
Does DonTech arrange the relevant Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) services?
Can DonTech offer design drawings?